Adoptable cats

Hi, my name is Dos-Si-Do!

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Date of Birth 2024-03-29
Gender Female
Breed DSH
Color Tortie
FIV/FeLV All Negative
Adoption Fee $95

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Dos-Si-Do (aka Dozy) is almost certainly the baby of the group, as her mom Peaches tends to pamper her with frequent grooming sessions. This might be because Dozy has by far the fluffiest coat and seems to have inherited her mom’s soft fur. Dozy is happy to be the princess because her tail perks up and she gives a happy meow whenever her mama makes eye contact. Dozy was initially a picky eater and lived up to the spoiled youngest stereotype. She eats easily now, although she still prefers to let her raucous siblings take the lead to have a more peaceful dinner. When Dozy has a fright, she puffs her luscious locks up like a peacock – but much fluffier! Dozy isn’t afraid to get down and dirty with her siblings. Her favorite thing is to take a little nibble out of her scratching post’s string. Dozy and her sister, Charly, are quite bonded and we’d love to see them adopted together. Are you ready to welcome these tortie girls into your heart and home?

If you are interested in meeting this animal, you must apply to adopt below. Once we review the application, one of our foster coordinators will reach out to you.